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Country Charm in the Stunning Kokatahi Valley-20942

46,423 USD
0 Mantell Kokatahi, Westland District
21 view
Land ID: 78645 Update time: 2020-12-30 09:01:17
Trading years: permanent Size: 2023sqm
Feature: fishing | hunting Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

Why not build in the heart of Kokatahi, lush green landscapes with views of the Southern Alp this is the ideal choice for any keen outdoorsman, hunting, fishing, tramping at your back door. With a great wee primary school along the road & on the school bus route this is sure to please. This area has become more and more popular with tourists and locals alike as the commute to Hokitika is just an easy drive, with 2023m2 of land to build you will have plenty of space to build to suit. Make a lifestyle choice!


Transportation & Other Facilities

Highway: <30mins
Port: 30-60mins
High-speed railway:30-60mins
Provincial/Interstate highway: 30-60mins
National highway:<30mins
County road: <30mins
Township road:<30mins
Village road/Self-built road: <30mins
Water supply:
Heat supply: other ways
Communications: connectable
TV system:connectable
Internet system: connectable
Parking:to be improved
Education: basically complete
Medical treatment:to be improved
Sanitation: to be improved
Entertainment:basically complete
Food: basically complete
Attractions within 5 km:
Area of tenure(ac,sqm,ha):
Exclusive use area(ac,sqm,ha):
Apportioned area(ac,sqm,ha):
Building type:
Building area(ac,sqm,ha):
Building density:
Plot ratio:
Green area ratio:
Limited height:
Nearby industrial clusters:
Comfort index:
Noise index:
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